Well, it's all relative, isn't it? Chico was able to put a sock on his left foot today! Actually, I put it on. Chico being able to sock himself will be another step. Although last night he accidentally did put his red no-skid (known as skidless, 'high fall risk' at Albany Med) sock on his left foot in order to walk steadily to the bathroom. I found him in a laughing fit trying to get it off to put it on the right foot and make his way out of bed. He must have been sleepy.
This morning we decided to try putting a sock on the injured foot again for the outdoor excursion. Chico definately needed assistance. We are heading out for a walk along the lake in Burlington. Daring.
I'm catching up here.. so lovely and totally fun to see you last night Scottie!.. Chico, I hope you can feel the essence of the night come through Susan's photos- she seemed to get a lot of great shots. It was a late night. We got home at 4:00 am!