Saturday, October 16, 2010

Things are Looking Up

Chico is relatively comfortable as he pursues his probiotic regimen rather than an anti biotic one.  We are still scheduled to go to Burlington for a pic line on Monday and Albany for toe pin removal on Thursday.  This morning he did a bit of dancing.  He was pretty happy. 

Funny to think that if he'd thought to jostle himself in that way as few as three weeks ago, well, it was unthinkable.  Even as we sat on Albany beach.  Nice progress.

Clari brought by some of John's famous muffins.  Chico-"Best muffin I've every had."  They are a nice follow-up to Beth's perfectly timed apple pie.  That met an articulated craving.

Meanwhile, I found my lost watch, the lost key to an important building, lost discharge orders...just a few misplaced items outstanding...And I love a rainy, fall day. 

Thanks for all of your help!


  1. That's really lovely to read...glad to hear there is progress! Yay!

  2. I'm so glad all of the probiotics are working!!! Here is to more dancing!

  3. These photographs just make me smile.
    The light is beautiful.

  4. Will be thinking about you Monday. More pie in your future--
    Love xo

  5. You know where I am if Chico needs books! We always deliver to "shut-ins." Nancy W.

  6. hope things went well today-
    been thinking about you.
