Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Get This!

Chico has been in a great mood all day. At 11:00 he transferred himself into the chair with the help of only one physical therapist!

At about 12:30 the surprise attack began.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Geisler from the rehab unit. I'm here to evaluate you before you move up today."

"I'm moving upstairs today?"

So we're packed and ready, resting up for the next exciting ordeal/event.  Nurses, PCAs and other staff members stop by smiling, having heard the news. 

People continue to remark on the amazing attitude Chico wears daily. It isn't possible to overestimate its healing benefits and the tremendous support he receives from the entire staff!  We just reviewed a list of over 30 staff members who have worked with him on this floor (not including doctors and administrators). Chico can remember moments when each of these many people said or did just the right thing to help and encourage him when he most needed their support. 

We are grateful.


  1. Go Chico, Go Chico! He's a rock star!

  2. Fantastic! This is great news...keep on going Chico (and Susan)!

    49 Mountain Street

  3. Great news! what a delight to read!
    for my part back from iceland and russia
    and with,saw doctor today, an umbilical
    hernia... it is a simple procedure but
    necessary it seems. will see surgeon dr
    archy lau on thursday. mention his name
    because I thought of the book circus of
    dr lao (movie the 7 faces of dr lao also)
    but this fellow at least in english spells
    his name differently ,pronounces it "lou"
    does not sound chinese on phone.

  4. nothing like a little Leonard C to lift the spirits!
    been away from the computer for a few days (thank the maker!) so couldn't check in.
    heroic is the word.

  5. Yahoo . . . Movin' on Up . . . Yahoo
    (love the running shoes . . . excellent attitude)

    - Kpw and Cbk

  6. Great news Chico and Suse! A new day ...again!
    You are an inspiration Chico
    XO Annie

  7. Twins clinch the AL Central!

  8. glad recovery is happening and lots of people are there to help, sending you, and all of them, positive thoughts,
    and lets go twins!


  9. You are both an inspiration.
    love, Pam
