Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Chico wants you to know how important your 'comments,' emails and notes are to him even though he is too exhausted to respond individually. He finds them uplifting. Right now he is having a blood transfusion-his third in 11 days. Again we are reminded of the many people, often anonymous, who are making his recovery possible.

Yesterday,coming out from being under the effects of anesthesia, Chico remembers having conversation with the San Francisco poet, Robert Duncan, and a couple of other poets. This was an encouraging reminder of the vital importance of everything we experience in the process of our life's work.


  1. Hi Chico and Susan,
    Glad to hear that the operation went well yesterday and that you are on the mend.

    I've been getting updates from Chester and I'm sure he has passed on my good wishes.

    Wishing you the Best! Sylvia

  2. Chico

    I just heard about your accident and I am so glad you are ok (well, relatively speaking) and on the very slow but sure mend.

    Just wanted to say I was thinking of you from Bristol.
    Jo LaFontaine Van Buskirk

  3. Susan, your letters are beautifully written...
    Good luck with the start of school; I'm back this week, too. Need to go to bed earlier than during summer.

    Chico, things are looking pretty good all around. This is the first time I have ever written a comment on a blog. I hope I do it right. ha ha

    You appear to be as comfortable as possible given your injuries. You'll be very well before you know it, I hope.

    This blog is so cool! Thank you, Susan!
    This is the first time I have ever written a comment on a blog. I hope I do it right. ha ha

    My thoughts are with you both. Get well soon,


  4. Dear Chico and Susan
    Just got the news and seeing that car obliterates any abstract sense of what you all are dealing with.
    What a miracle and blessing that you are there
    in Albany eating chocolate ice cream.
    An incredible reminder of the many things we take for granted.
    Thank you Susan for setting up this blog and
    being the Saint that you are. I wish you all the
    best as you navigate the coming days weeks and months and as you mentioned there is a lot to learn and glean from all this. I look forward to the poems. Much Love, Roger

  5. Chico and Susan--you folks are daily in my thoughts and prayers. I love the way connections work. Susan, I told you that your name was familiar--and it is because Chico was one of the Spring St. Poets with me, and was a student in the Diocesan Study Program when I was teaching Spirituality. Chico--your group was my very favorite!

    May you both be sustained by prayer and friends and poetry and all that is good.

    Mary Pratt

  6. Hi Chico,
    Our EA staff is thinking of you every day and hope that your surgeries and all are successful. The sun is out and it's looking forward to seeing you outside.
    We here at CSAC look forward to seeing you and getting to know you again.To a positive recovery, take care.
    :) Lori G.

  7. Hello hello,
    it is so good to hear how well you are doing. Ran into Michael & Nancy, a very nice surprise, who reported that you look great. You will remain in my daily confirmations until I see for myself. You are lucky to have so much love in your life and I will keep sending all the positive energy I can muster. Be well. ♡♡♡ clari

  8. Hi Chico and Susan--- Still sailing and lost contact when you switched to blog. Read the Ad Indy online and saw the info on same and caught up today. So glad the surgery went well and the slow steady march to recovery keeps moving forward. Good to see Chico smiling in the pix if hard to look at the leg. Hang in there buddy! Tom and carol

  9. Dear Chico and Susan, I have been steadily following your healing (thank you for the blog) and amazed and grateful that you (Chico) are in as good of shape as it sounds. Blessings, blessings. I watered the porch plants and sat with your kitty for a while. It was nice to send my love through your home vibration. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Love Joan

  10. As slow as it probably seems, progress is still progress. What an experience of patience and hope - and faith and love, too. Chico and Susan, you both are held up in prayer. You are loved,
    Fr john

  11. Dear c and s,
    As someone who is also recovering from an accident, I have to tell you that you are an inspiration to me! My thoughts, healing energies, well wishes and love are with moment by moment. Thnk you for the blog, Susan. You are a help to those of us with you 2 in spirit as we are to you.
    Love, Alison
